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Triathlon Coaching Program

  • Workouts uploaded into Training Peaks

  • Coach-athlete meetings via cell or Zoom

  • Athlete-specific health coaching

  • Regular email and text communication

  • 3 month minimum commitment


Personalized, comprehensive training plans for beginner and experienced.


Programs incorporate research-based principles for masters athletes, especially female masters athletes, have specific age-related, physiological changes that influence training and performance. 


The All-In-One training app for athletes. We will create an annual training plan. I will upload workouts, monitor and analyze data from your completed workouts to provide you will detailed and meaningful feedback.

You can also log specific biometrics and nutrition data.


Research shows that training at a lower intensity 80% of the time leads to huge rewards in performance, recovery, and enjoyment in sport.  The remaining 20%  of the workouts are specific high-intensity, lactate threshold workouts. We dial in the 80/20 intensity with heart rate zones, power metrics and listening to your body.

Let's get started!

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